The ideal study aid, Q&A Land Law 2007-2008 gives students the opportunity to practice their exam techniques and evaluate and assess their progress. The book is divided into chapters covering each major topic on land law courses, and contains approximately fifty questions and answers designed to test even the best prepared student. Each chapter contains an introduction focusing on important legal aspects, and flowcharts are used to clarify issues and aid analysis. Each question is followed by commentary highlighting key points, followed by bullet-pointed answer plans, and a model answer. The book opens with an introductory chapter providing guidance on examination technique and the best approach to land law questions in general. Throughout the book, the authors discuss the most effective techniques for writing examination answers and tackling legal problems, showing exactly what the examiners are looking for. Online Resource Centre Q&A Land Law is accompanied by an Online Resource Centre providing annotated web links and a glossary of terms from the Dictionary of Law.