UWI BOOKSHOP » Others » Children Stock Book » CD1564 » ACTIVITY ZONE BOOK - MAZES
Model: CD1564
ISBN: 076645023476
Price: $540.00JMD
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This product was added to our catalog on Monday 12 September, 2011.
No more flat, pencil-pushing puzzles! This bold book takes mazes to a new dimension. From a pop-up pyramid to a 3-D galactic chase to an electronic circuit that buzzes when you stray off course, this ingenious collection is truly a puzzler`s paradise. The mazes have more than one level, but only one tough answer, guaranteeing hours of fun. In addition to spectacular feats of paper engineering, this puzzle pack includes 3-D glasses, a stylus, moving parts, and a raised plastic maze with a rolling bead. Sophisticated enough to appeal to many age groups, this deluxe book is a great gift for dedicated puzzle solvers.